Music and Mind

March 22nd, 2025 at 2:30PM

Future Event

Pan played the Flute, Orpheus the lyre, Jimi Hendrix the guitar, Mickey Hart the drums. Melody, whether harmony or dissonance, could soothe the brow, agitate the body, or link with the mystical. In the 6th century BCE Pythagoras, listening to the “music of the spheres”, uncovered the celestial mechanics and mathematics inherent to music.  

Music is rhythm as well as melody. Villagers and Tribes beat the drums, to summon attention and sound alerts across distance. Hart‘s Grateful Dead played to the fetal beat of his baby still in the womb. 

The question asked by scientists and mathematicians is whether the patterns and  rational numbers underlying music are discovered or invented. While animals hear and respond to familiar and alien sounds, neuroscientists perceive attunement to “’the sympathetic chords” as particular to the human brain.

We recognize cultures by their languages and music, while Beethoven’s Fifth, Ain’t Misbehavin’, Take Five give uncanny sense that some music patterns existed always as a feeling entry into Nature, as we murmur with water’s flows, whistle with the wind, and speak words that another being can understand as creating community.

Language offers brain information, while shouts, cries, songs, tunes, beat and pace imprints  personal and group messaging and meaning. Music calms, incites, serves or manipulates. It is of of earth, the planets, and the spheres. To answer Jimi: yes, of course, everyone is experienced!


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Saxophonist, Composer

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Director, Department of Music Therapy, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Professor, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

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