Andrea Jain

Professor of Religious Studies, Indiana University
Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Religion

Andrea R. Jain, Ph.D. is professor of religious studies at Indiana University, Indianapolis, editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, and author of Selling Yoga: From Counterculture to Pop Culture (Oxford, 2014) and Peace Love Yoga: The Politics of Global Spirituality (Oxford, 2020). She received her doctorate degree in religious studies from Rice University in 2010.She writes and speaks about capitalism, religion, sex, and society in our contemporary world and from a leftist, feminist perspective. She also advocates for neurodiversity everywhere she goes. Her politics inform her work—the work is always-already political.

Participant In:

Mindfulness Meditation: Benefits and Dilemmas 

April 19th, 2025 at 2:30PM

Future Event

Mindfulness meditation is one of the most popular contemplative techniques in the world. Recently, however, a number of influential criticisms of the practice have emerged, many of which frame the technique as part of a larger neoliberal endeavor meant to privatize emotional well-being. Others have pointed to potential dangers of the practice, identifying cases where,… read more »