Tim O’Connor is Professor of Philosophy at Indiana University, Bloomington and a member of its Cognitive Sciences Program. He specializes in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of religion. O’Connor received his doctorate in philosophy from Cornell University. He has held year-long research fellowships at the Universities of Notre Dame, St.… read more »
Cathy O’Neil earned a Ph.D. in math from Harvard, was a postdoc at the MIT math department, and a professor at Barnard College where she published a number of research papers in arithmetic algebraic geometry. She then switched over to the private sector, working as a quant for the hedge fund D.E.… read more »
atricia Olynyk’s work explores art, science, and technology-related themes that often examine the dialectics of natural and artificial, and cognition and affect. Appropriating scientific imaging technologies, her installations, photographs, and videos address how interpretation fluctuates between fact and speculation. Working across disciplines to develop “third culture” collaborations, she has programmed art, science and technology curricula, symposia and fellowships at several research institutions, including the University of Michigan, where she was the first non-scientist appointed to their Life Sciences Institute.… read more »
Yotam Ophir (PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 2018) is an Assistant Professor of Communication at the University at Buffalo. His work combines computational methods for text mining, network analysis, experiments and surveys to study media content and effects in the areas of political, science, and health communication.… read more »
Dr. Rebecca Oppenheimer is a Professor in the Department of Astrophysics and a curator at the American Museum of Natural History. As a comparative exoplanetary scientist she studies objects orbiting stars other than the Sun by trying to see them directly and to dissect their chemical compositions.… read more »
Dennis Overbye is the cosmic affairs correspondent for the New York Times. His reporting can range from the mating habits of black holes and zero-gravity fashion shows to science in the movies, the status of Pluto and the fate of the universe.… read more »