Gabrielle Jackson Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Stony Brook University Gabrielle Benette Jackson received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from Harvard University in 2011. Since then she has been the Andrew W Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Toronto’s Jackman Humanities Institute, and a Visitor at the Institute for Advanced Study’s School of Social Sciences in Princeton, New Jersey.… read more »
Ted Jacobs Clinical Professor of Psychiatry Emeritus, Albert Einstein College of Medicine; Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst, New York Psychoanalytic Institute, New York University Psychoanalytic Institute, and Columbia Center for Psychoanalytic Medicine Theodore Jacobs is a board certified psychiatrist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the New York University School of Medicine. He’s also a training and Supervising Analyst for adults and children at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, the New York University Psychoanalytic Institute, and the Columbia Center for Psychoanalytic Medicine.… read more »
Jennifer Jacquet Associate Professor, Departmant of Environmental Studies, NYU Director, XE: Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement, NYU Jennifer Jacquet is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Studies and Director of XE: Experimental Humanities and Social Engagement at NYU. She is also deputy director of NYU’s Center for Environmental and Animal Protection and Affiliated Faculty in the Stern School of Business and the Center for Data Science.… read more »
Gregg Jaeger Professor, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Boston University View Papers / Presentations » Gregg Jaeger (PhD – Boston U; BSc, Math, Physics, Philosophy – U. Wisconsin-Madison) is a professor of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Boston University. After postdoctoral work in the history of science (Dibner Institute, MIT) and experimental quantum-optical physics (National Institute of Science and Technology), he assumed his current, interdisciplinary professorship in 2006.… read more »
Dhananjay Jagannathan Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Columbia University Dhananjay Jagannathan teaches philosophy and classical studies at Columbia University. His academic research centers on Aristotle’s ethics and political philosophy and contemporary virtue ethics. He has also written about issues at the intersection of philosophy and literature, including on tragedy and the novel.… read more »
Andrea Jain Professor of Religious Studies, Indiana University Editor, Journal of the American Academy of Religion Andrea R. Jain, Ph.D. is professor of religious studies at Indiana University, Indianapolis, editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Religion, and author of Selling Yoga: From Counterculture to Pop Culture (Oxford, 2014) and Peace Love Yoga: The Politics of Global Spirituality (Oxford, 2020).… read more »
Dale Jamieson Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, Affiliated Professor of Law, and Director of the Center for Environmental and Animal Protection, New York University. Dale Jamieson is Professor of Environmental Studies and Philosophy, Affiliated Professor of Law, and Director of the Center for Environmental and Animal Protection at New York University. His is the author of Reason in a Dark Time: Why the Struggle to Stop Climate Change Failed and What It Means for Our Future (2014), and Discerning Experts: The Practices of Scientific Assessment for Environmental Policy (2019, with Michael Oppenheimer, Naomi Oreskes and others).… read more »
Paolo Javier PAOLO JAVIER’s collaboration with Listening Center (David Mason) appeared as a limited edition book/cassette, Ur’lyeh/Aklopolis, published by Texte und Töne in early 2017. A featured artist in MoMA PS1’s 2015 Greater NY Show, he is the author of four full-length collections of poetry, including Court of the Dragon (Nightboat Books 2015), which Publisher’s Weekly calls “a linguistic time machine”.… read more »
Natalie Jeremijenko In 2014 VIDA Art and Artificial Life International Awards Pioneer Prize was awarded to Natalie Jeremijenko “for her consistently brilliant portfolio of work over the past two decades.” (a prize only awarded once before to Laurie Anderson). Awarded the 2013 Most Innovative People, named of the most influential women in technology 2011, one of the inaugural top young innovators by MIT Technology Review and 40 most influential designers Jeremijenko directs the Environmental Health Clinic, and is an Associate Professor in the Visual Art Department, NYU and affiliated with the Computer Science Dept and Environmental Studies program.… read more »
Gabbrielle Johnson Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Claremont McKenna College Gabrielle Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Claremont McKenna College. Before joining CMC, she was a Bersoff Faculty Fellow at NYU, affiliated with the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness. She works primarily in philosophy of psychology, philosophy of cognitive science, philosophy of science, and philosophy of technology.… read more »
Christopher Johnson Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Spanish & Portuguese, UCLA Christopher D. Johnson, when he is not meandering on Warburg’s Wanderstrassen, teaches Spanish early modern literature at UCLA. Previously he taught comparative literature at Harvard University and early modern English literature at Northwestern University. He is the author of Hyperboles: The Rhetoric of Excess in Baroque Literature and Thought(Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, with Harvard University Press, 2010) and Memory, Metaphor, and Aby Warburg’s Atlas of Images (Cornell University Press and Cornell University Library, 2012).… read more »
Albert A. Johnstone Courtesy Professor of Philosophy, University of Oregon Albert A. Johnstone is a philosopher who has presented internationally on a wide variety of philosophical subjects. He is author of the book, Epistemology: Taking Solipsism Seriously, and many scholarly papers, including his recent, “The Deep Bodily Roots of Emotion” (Husserl Studies, 2012) and “The Basic Self and Its Doubles” (Journal of Consciousness Studies, 2011).… read more »
James Judd Conductor, Music Director of the Israel Symphony and the Little Orchestra Society James Judd is Music Director of the Israel Symphony and the Little Orchestra Society. Previous directorships include the New Zealand Symphony, the Orchestre National deLille, Adelaide Symphony and the Florida Philharmonic. A regular guest conductor with major orchestras around the globe, he leads an annual tour of Asia with the Asian Youth Orchestra, as an opera conductor he has led the English National Opera, Glyndeboune Opera Festival and Florida Grand Opera, and as a recording artist he has amassed an extensive discography with the Naxos, Decca, Philips and EMI labels.… read more »
Rex Jung Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of New Mexico Rex Jung received his training in clinical psychology, specializing in neuropsychology, at the University of New Mexico, in Albuquerque. He completed an internship at Baylor College of Medicine in the Departments of Neurosurgery and Behavioral Medicine, and postdoctoral training at the University of New Mexico in Psychiatry Research.… read more »