Evelina Fedorenko Assistant Professor, Director of the EvLab at Harvard Medical School / Mass General Hospital Ev Fedorenko is a cognitive neuroscientist who specializes in the study of the human language system. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Linguistics from Harvard University in 2002. She then proceeded to pursue graduate studies in cognitive science and neuroscience at MIT.… read more »
Allen Fein Professor, Department of Cell Biology, UConn Health Alan Fein is a Professor of Cell Biology in the School of Medicine at the University of Connecticut Health Center. After receiving his Ph.D. from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine Dr. Fein went to the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole where he eventually became the Director of the Laboratory of Sensory Physiology.… read more »
R. Brian Ferguson Professor of Anthropology, Rutgers University-Newark R. Brian Ferguson is a Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University-Newark. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1988, for a study of economic and social change in a Puerto Rican village. Since then his primary area of research has been war and political violence.… read more »
Hartry Field Silver Professor, New York University Hartry Field is Silver Professor, and University Professor, at New York University, where he has taught since 1997. Before that he taught at Princeton, University of Southern California, and the CUNY Graduate Center. He is author of Science Without Numbers (1980; expanded edition 2016) and Saving Truth From Paradox, as well as numerous articles in the philosophy of mathematics and of logic, and in other areas of philosophy such as metaphysics, epistemology and philosophy of language. … read more »
Stuart Firestein Former Chair of Department of Biological Sciences, Columbia University Stuart Firestein is the former Chair of Columbia University’s Department of Biological Sciences, where he studies the vertebrate olfactory system. Aside from its molecular detection capabilities, the olfactory system serves as a model for investigating general principles and mechanisms of signaling and perception in the brain.… read more »
Michael First Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University Michael B. First M.D., is a Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Columbia University, a Research Psychiatrist in the Division of Behavioral Health Scienes and Policy Research, Diagnosis and Assessment Unit at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, and maintains a schematherapy and psychopharmacology practice in Manhattan, Dr.… read more »
Mark Fishman President of Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Novartis Mark C. Fishman, M.D., is President of the Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research. He leads worldwide discovery and early clinical activities of Novartis, which aims to develop novel therapeutics for diseases. Prior to joining Novartis, Dr. Fishman was Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School, as well as Chief of Cardiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital and the founding Director of their Cardiovascular Research Center.… read more »
Branden Fitelson Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Northeastern University Branden Fitelson is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Northeastern University. Before teaching at Northeastern, Branden held teaching positions at Rutgers, UC-Berkeley, San José State, and Stanford and visiting positions at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy at LMU-Munich (MCMP @ LMU) and the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the University of Amsterdam (ILLC @ UvA).… read more »
Enrico Fonda Enrico Fonda is a Postdoctoral Researcher from Italy in the Department of Physics at the New York University. He has a master in theoretical physics and a PhD in fluid dynamics from the University of Trieste, and he worked as researcher at the University of Maryland, College Park.… read more »
David Forbes Emeritus, Urban Education Doctoral Program, City University of New York David Forbes, PhD, is an Emeritus in the Urban Education Doctoral Program at the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center. He teaches and writes on critical and integral approaches to mindfulness in education and has consulted with New York City schools on developing social mindfulness programs.… read more »
Robert H. Frank Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics, Cornell University Robert H. Frank is the HJ Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics, Emeritus, at Cornell’s Johnson School of Management. His “Economic View” column has appeared in The New York Times since 2005. He received his B.S. in mathematics from Georgia Tech, then taught math and science for two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Nepal.… read more »
David Freedberg Professor of Art History and Director of Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America, Columbia University David Freedberg is Professor of Art History at Columbia University, and Director of its Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America. He is best known for his work on psychological responses to images. His initial publications were on the problems of iconoclasm and censorship, but inThe Power of Images he moved on to discuss a whole range of the ways in which images evoke emotional, behavioral and social responses.… read more »
Karl Friston Professor at the Institute of Neurology, University College London Karl Friston is a theoretical neuroscientist and authority on brain imaging. He invented statistical parametric mapping (SPM), voxel-based morphometry (VBM) and dynamic causal modelling (DCM). These contributions were motivated by schizophrenia research and theoretical studies of value-learning – formulated as the dysconnection hypothesis of schizophrenia.… read more »
Paul Fry William Lampson Professor of English, Yale University Paul H. Fry is the William Lampson Professor of English and has taught at Yale since 1971. He received his BA from the University of California, Berkeley and his Ph. D. from Harvard. His primary areas of specialization are British romanticism, the history of literary criticism, contemporary literary theory, and literature in relation to the visual arts.… read more »
Christopher Fuchs Professor, Physics, College of Science & Mathematics at UMass Boston Christopher Fuchs is a Professor of Physics at the University of Massachusetts Boston who specializes in quantum information theory and quantum foundations. He is an author or co-author of over 160 scholarly pieces, one of which, “Unconditional Quantum Teleportation” with H. J. Kimble’s experimental group, was voted a “Top-Ten Breakthrough of 1998” by the editors of Science.… read more »
James L. Fuller Research Fellow, Columbia University James L. Fuller is a research fellow at Columbia University, where he recently completed his Ph.D. His doctoral research focused on the evolution and expansion of vocal signal repertoires, focusing primarily on the communication system of blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis). Dr.… read more »