Mabel Berezin

Distinguished Professor, Arts & Sciences in Sociology, Cornell University
Director, Institute for Europeans Studies, Einaudi Center for International Studies, Cornell University

Mabel Berezin is Distinguished Professor of Arts and Sciences in Sociology and Director of the Institute for Europeans Studies at the Einaudi Center for International Studies at Cornell University.  She writes on challenges to democratic cohesion and solidarity in Europe and the United States.  … read more »

Carl Cofield

Chair of Graduate Acting, New York University

Carl Cofield is the Chair of Graduate Acting at New York University. He  was appointed Associate Artistic Director of the Off-Broadway award winning Classical Theatre of Harlem in 2018.  For CTH he has directed: Seize the King (New York Times Critic’s Pick) The Bacchae ****(New York Times Critic’s Pick), Antigone, Macbeth, The Tempest and more »

Elias Dakwar

Associate Professor, Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University

Elias Dakwar, MD is an Associate Professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and a board-certified addiction and general psychiatrist. He has been researching novel treatments for addictions for over a decade, with the support of several grants from the National Institutes of Health.… read more »

George Denfield

Neuroscience & Psychiatry Resident Physician, Columbia University & New York State Psychiatric Institute.

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George Hilton Denfield, IV, MD, PhD, is a Leon Levy Fellow in Neuroscience and psychiatry resident physician at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. He completed his BS at Tufts University, concentrating in biopsychology and cognitive science. Dr.… read more »

Jeff Dolven

Professor | Acting Chair, Princeton University

Jeff Dolven teaches poetry and poetics at Princeton University. He has an abiding interest in the relations among reading, writing, teaching, and learning—especially the way readers become writers, as a contemporary and a historical question. 

He is the author of three books of criticism: Scenes of Instruction (Chicago 2007), a study of what poets of the sixteenth century did and didn’t learn from school; Senses of Style (Chicago 2018), about what you like and what you’re like; and the admittedly hasty Take Care (Cabinet 2017), written in twenty-four hours.… read more »

Katherine Elkins

Professor of Humanities and Comparative Literature
Director of The Integrated Program in Humane Studies
Founding Co-Director KDH Lab
Kenyon College

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Katherine Elkins is Professor of Humanities and faculty in Computing at Kenyon College, where she teaches in the Integrated Program in Humane Studies. She writes about the age-old conversation between philosophy and literature as well as the more recent conversation about AI, language and art.… read more »

Vittorio Gallese

Professor of Psychobiology, University of Parma
Director, Lab of Social Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Parma

Vittorio Gallese MD is a trained neurologist and Professor of Psychobiology at the University of Parma, Italy where he is Director of the Lab of Social Cognitive Neuroscience, Fellow at the Italian Academy of Advanced Studies in America of Columbia University, New York, USA, Honorary Fellow of the Institute of Philosophy of the School of Advanced Study of the University of London, UK and honorary member of the American College of Psychiatrists.… read more »

Michael Harris

Professor of Mathematics, Columbia University

Michael Harris is Professor of Mathematics at Columbia University; before that he held positions at Brandeis University and Université Paris-Diderot. He obtained his Ph.D. in 1977 from Harvard University, under the direction of Barry Mazur. He has organized or co-organized more than 20 conferences, workshops, and special programs in his field of number theory.… read more »

Rob Hopkins

Professor of Philosophy, New York University

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Rob Hopkins is a philosopher at New York University who works mostly in the philosophy of mind and aesthetics. He’s recently finished a book, The Profile of Imagining (forthcoming, OUP), on the sensory imagination, relating it to other forms of imagining, to perception and to episodic memory.… read more »

Siri Hustvedt

Author, Essayist

Siri Hustvedt is the author of a book of poetry, Reading to You; seven novels, The Blindfold, The Enchantment of Lily Dahl, What I Loved, The Sorrows of an American, The Summer Without Men, The Blazing World, and Memories of the Future, as well as five essay collections, Women, Mothers, Fathers, and Others; A Plea for Eros; Mysteries of the Rectangle: Essays on Painting; Living, Thinking, Looking; A Woman Looking at Men Looking at Women and a work of nonfiction: The Shaking Woman or A History of My Nerves.… read more »

Chris Impey

University Distinguished Professor, Astronomy, University of Arizona

Chris Impey is a University Distinguished Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona. He has over 220 refereed publications on observational cosmology, galaxies, and quasars, and his research has been supported by $20 million in NASA and NSF grants. He has won eleven teaching awards and has taught three online classes with over 350,000 enrolled and 5 million minutes of video lectures watched.… read more »

Lisa Kaltenegger

Founding Director, Carl Sagan Institute to Search for Life in the Cosmos
Associate Professor, Astronomy, Cornell University

Lisa Kaltenegger is the Founding Director of the Carl Sagan Institute to Search for Life in the Cosmos at Cornell and Associate Professor in Astronomy. She is a pioneer and world-leading expert in modeling potentially habitable worlds and their detectable spectral fingerprint.… read more »

David Scott Kastan

George M. Bodman Emeritus Professor, English at Yale University

David Scott Kastan is the George M. Bodman Emeritus Professor of English at Yale University, having previously taught at Columbia University and at Dartmouth College. He has served as one of the General Editors of the Arden Shakespeare, the co-editor of the Bantam Shakespeare, and the series editor of the Barnes and Noble Shakespeare.… read more »

David Kipping

Associate Professor, Astronomy, Columbia University
Director, Cool Worlds team

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David Kipping is an Associate Professor of Astronomy at Columbia University and the Director of the Cool Worlds team. His group studies the exoplanet demographics, detection techniques and the search for exomoons, for which his team found the first two candidates.… read more »

Joseph LeDoux

Professor of Neural Science, New York University

Joseph LeDoux is a Professor of Neural Science at New York University. His work, which has spanned the topics of emotion, memory, and consciousness, and their interaction in the brain. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.… read more »

Rhodri Lewis

Professor, English & Comparative Literature, Princeton University

Rhodri Lewis was for many years Professor of English Literature at the University of Oxford, and is now Senior Research Scholar and Lecturer (with Rank of Professor) at Princeton University. He has interests in literary, cultural, and intellectual history from about 1500 to the present day, but has tended to concentrate on the first three centuries of this period in his writing.… read more »

Victoria Loustalot

Author, editor, & communications consultant

Victoria Loustalot is an author and editor with twenty years of journalism, publishing, and digital media experience. She has been a founding member and senior manager of groundbreaking teams at Twitter, Condé Nast, and NBC.

In addition, Victoria has taught seminars and undergraduate writing classes at Columbia University, the University of Arizona, and the University of Montana.… read more »

Barry Mazur

Gerhard Gade University Professor, Harvard University

Barry Mazur is a mathematician at Harvard University who has often taught courses in History of Science and Philosophy. His books include: Imagining Numbers (particularly the squareroot of minus fifteen) (Farrar Straus and Giroux); Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis, written with William Stein (Cambridge University Press) and he has edited with Apostolos Doxiadis the book of essays Circles Disturbed: The Interplay of Mathematics and Narrative (Princeton University Press).… read more »

Sam McDougle

Assistant Professor of Psychology, Yale University

Samuel McDougle earned his BA in Neuroscience and Behavior from Vassar College in 2009 and his PhD in Neuroscience and Psychology from Princeton University in 2018. After completing a postdoctoral fellowship at UC Berkeley, Sam joined Yale’s Psychology Department in 2020 as an assistant professor.… read more »

Sophie McIntosh

Co-founder, Good Apples Collective

Sophie McIntosh is a New York–based playwright and the co-founder of Good Apples Collective, a developmental orchard for new theatrical works that she leads alongside director Nina Goodheart. Her writing celebrates queer communities, gives voice to women’s experiences, and lovingly riffs on the cynical sincerity of young adults.… read more »

Rebecca Oppenheimer

Curator & Professor, Department of Astrophysics, Division of Physical Sciences, Richard Gilder Graduate School

Dr. Rebecca Oppenheimer is a Professor in the Department of Astrophysics and a curator at the American Museum of Natural History. As a comparative exoplanetary scientist she studies objects orbiting stars other than the Sun by trying to see them directly and to dissect their chemical compositions.… read more »

Rosalind Picard

Founder & Director, Affective Computing Research Group, MIT Media Laboratory
Co-founder & Chief Scientist, Empatica

Rosalind Picard is founder and director of the Affective Computing Research Group at the MIT Media Laboratory, co-founder and chief scientist of Empatica, providing FDA-cleared biomarkers including the first smartwatch to detect seizures, and co-founder of Affectiva, providing software for technology with emotional intelligence. … read more »

Daniela Schiller

Professor, Neuroscience & Psychiatry, Icahn School of Medicine at Mt. Sinai

Dr. Daniela Schiller is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, the Nash Family Department of Neuroscience, and the Friedman Brain Institute, at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. Her research is focused on how the brain represents and modifies emotional memories.… read more »

Sara Seager

Professor Physics, Planetary Science, Aeronautics & Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Professor Sara Seager is an astrophysicist and a Professor of Physics, Professor of Planetary Science, and a Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where she holds the Class of 1941 Professor Chair. She has been a pioneer in the vast and unknown world of exoplanets, planets that orbit stars other than the sun.… read more »

Viviane Silvera is an award winning artist and filmmaker. Her videos have been installed at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, MGM National Harbor, University of Mary Washington, Davidson College, 4Culture and the Cube Art Project – Union Bank. Exhibitions include the Art Basel Miami, Art Week Berlin, the Edward Hopper House, the Albright Knox Gallery, The Dahesh Museum, The Masur Museum and The Museo de la Ciudad – Mexico.… read more »

Nathalie Sinclair

Distinguished University Professor, Faculty of Education, Simon Fraser University

Nathalie Sinclair is Distinguished University Professor at Simon Fraser University, in the Faculty of Education. She is co-editor of Mathematics and the aesthetic: New approaches to an ancient affinity and What is a mathematical concept?. She has also led the development of two multi-touch apps for arithmetic learning, called TouchCounts and more »

Alma Steingart

Assistant Professor, History, Columbia University

Alma Steingart researches the interplay between politics and mathematical rationalities. Steingart’s second book manuscript, Accountable Democracy: Mathematical Reasoning and Representative Democracy in America, 1920 to Now, examines how mathematical thought and computing technologies have impacted electoral politics in the United States in the twentieth century.… read more »

Jared Weinstein

Professor, Mathematics & Statistics, Boston University

Jared Weinstein is a professor in the department of Mathematics and Statistics at Boston University, where he has worked since 2011.  He studies number theory, which is ultimately the study of the whole numbers and their properties, but which links promiscuously with practically every other mathematical subject. … read more »

Gail Weiss

Professor of Philosophy, George Washington University

Gail Weiss is Professor of Philosophy at George Washington University. She recently served as Executive Co-Director of the Society for Phenomenology and Existentialism (SPEP) and as General Secretary for the International Merleau-Ponty Circle. Her previous monographs include Refiguring the Ordinary (Indiana U.… read more »

R. John Williams

Associate Professor, English, Film and Media, at Yale University

R. John Williams, PhD, is Professor of English, and Film and Media Studies at Yale University. He is the author of The Buddha in the Machine: Art, Technology, and the Meeting of East and West, and has published as well on a number of topics including religion, futurology, systems theory, psychoanalysis, and film and television.… read more »