Emily Adlam

Postdoctoral Associate, Rotman Institute for Philosophy of Science, University of Western Ontario

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Emily Adlam is a postdoctoral associate at the Rotman Institute for Philosophy of Science at the University of Western Ontario. She recevied her PhD in relativistic quantum information from the University of Cambridge. Prior to that she completed the Perimeter Scholar’s International programme in theoretical physics, and she did her undergraduate degree in physics and philosophy at the Univeristy of Oxford.… read more »

Harald Atmanspacher

Physicist, The Collegium Helveticum (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

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Harald Atmanspacher, PhD, is a senior scientist and staff member at Collegium Helveticum, University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, since 2007.  After his PhD in physics at Munich University (1986), he worked as a research scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics at Garching until 1998.… read more »

Elizabeth Barnes

Professor, Philosophy, University of Virginia

Elizabeth Barnes is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Virginia. Her research interests are divided between metaphysics, social philosophy, feminist philosophy, and ethics. She’s particularly interested in the places where these topics overlap. She’s written a book on disability (The Minority Body), and is currently writing a book about the nature of health.… read more »

Ned Block

Silver Professor of Philosophy, Psychology and Neural Science, New York University

Ned Block (Ph.D., Harvard), Silver Professor of Philosophy, Psychology and Neural Science, came to NYU in 1996 from MIT where he was Chair of the Philosophy Program. He works in philosophy of mind and foundations of neuroscience and cognitive science, and is currently writing a book on attention.… read more »

György Buzsáki

Biggs Professor of Neuroscience, New York University

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György Buzsáki identified a hierarchical organization of brain oscillations and proposed how these rhythms support a ‘brain syntax’, a physiological basis of cognitive operations. His work changed how we think about information encoding in the healthy and diseased brain, such as epilepsy and psychiatric diseases.… read more »

David Chalmers

Professor of Philosophy and Neural Science, New York University
Co-Director, Center for Mind, Brain, & Consciousness, New York University

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David Chalmers is University Professor of Philosophy and Neural Science and co-director of the Center for Mind, Brain, and Consciousness at New York University. He is the author of The Conscious Mind (1996), Constructing the World (2010), and _Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy (2022).… read more »

Kyunghyun Cho

Associate Professor, Computer Science & Data Science, New York University
CIFAR Fellow, Learning in Machines & Brains

Kyunghyun Cho is an associate professor of computer science and data science at New York University and CIFAR Fellow of Learning in Machines & Brains. He is also a senior director of frontier research at the Prescient Design team within Genentech Research & Early Development (gRED).… read more »

Jon Chun

Founding Co-Director KDH Lab
Kenyon College

Jon Chun is former CEO of the world’s largest privacy and anonymity website, a Fortune 500 Director of Development, and a UC Berkeley Entrepreneur in Residence prior to joining the faculty at Kenyon College. There he has created the world’s first human-centered AI curriculum and has mentored hundreds of projects.… read more »

Patricia Dailey

Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature, Columbia University

Patricia Dailey is an Associate Professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University, Co-Chair of the Affect Studies University Seminar, the Gender and Sexuality Studies Council, and the Colloquium for Early Medieval Studies.  Her book Promised Bodies: Time, Language, and Corporeality in Medieval Women’s Mystical Texts (Columbia University Press, 2013) looks at the way women’s mystical texts of the Middle Ages offer us an embodied sense of “living the way one reads.” … read more »

Elias Dakwar

Associate Professor, Clinical Psychiatry, Columbia University

Elias Dakwar, MD is an Associate Professor at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, and a board-certified addiction and general psychiatrist. He has been researching novel treatments for addictions for over a decade, with the support of several grants from the National Institutes of Health.… read more »

Neşe Devenot

Postdoctoral Associate, Institute for Research in Sensing (IRiS) University of Cincinnati
Affiliate Scholar, Center for Psychedelic Drug Research & Education (CPDRE), Ohio State University
Medicine, Society & Culture Research Fellow, Psymposia.

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Neşe Devenot, PhD (she/they) is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Institute for Research in Sensing (IRiS) at the University of Cincinnati; an Affiliate Scholar at the Center for Psychedelic Drug Research & Education (CPDRE) at The Ohio State University; and the Medicine, Society & Culture Research Fellow with Psymposia.… read more »

Nicholas Economides

Professor of Economics, Stern School of Business, NYU

Nicholas Economides is a Professor of Economics at the Stern School of Business of New York University, and Founder and Executive Director of the NET Institute. He has taught previously at Columbia University, Stanford University, and UC Berkeley. He is an internationally recognized academic authority on network economics, antitrust, and public policy.… read more »

Laura Edelson

Postdoctoral Researcher, New York University

Laura Edelson is a Postdoctoral Researcher at New York University with the Cybersecurity for Democracy project, which she co-directs with Damon McCoy. There, she leads the Ad Observatory and Ad Observer projects, which aim to increase public transparency of digital advertising, particularly during elections.… read more »

Katherine Elkins

Professor of Humanities and Comparative Literature
Director of The Integrated Program in Humane Studies
Founding Co-Director KDH Lab
Kenyon College

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Katherine Elkins is Professor of Humanities and faculty in Computing at Kenyon College, where she teaches in the Integrated Program in Humane Studies. She writes about the age-old conversation between philosophy and literature as well as the more recent conversation about AI, language and art.… read more »

Robert H. Frank

Henrietta Johnson Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics, Cornell University

Robert H. Frank is the HJ Louis Professor of Management and Professor of Economics, Emeritus, at Cornell’s Johnson School of Management. His “Economic View” column has appeared in The New York Times since 2005. He received his B.S. in mathematics from Georgia Tech, then taught math and science for two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in rural Nepal.… read more »

Christopher Fuchs

Professor, Physics, College of Science & Mathematics at UMass Boston

Christopher Fuchs is a Professor of Physics at the University of Massachusetts Boston who specializes in quantum information theory and quantum foundations. He is an author or co-author of over 160 scholarly pieces, one of which, “Unconditional Quantum Teleportation” with H. J. Kimble’s experimental group, was voted a “Top-Ten Breakthrough of 1998” by the editors of Science.… read more »

Sylvester James Gates

Clark Leadership Chair in Science, Distinguished University Professor & Regents Professor, University of Maryland

Sylvester James “Jim” Gates, Jr. is a theoretical physicist. He is a University of Maryland University System Regents Professor, the John S. Toll Professor of Physics, and a College Park Professor Emeritus. He currently holds the Clark Leadership Chair in Science and serves as a Professor of Physics with the Physics Department as well as Affiliate Professor of Public Policy in the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, College Park, MD.… read more »

Noah Giansiracusa

Assistant Professor, Mathematics & Data Science, Bentley University

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Noah Giansiracusa (PhD in math from Brown University) is an assistant professor of mathematics and data science at Bentley University. Noah’s research interests include algebraic geometry (the abstract study of systems of polynomial equations and their solutions), machine learning (especially topological and geometric data analysis), artificial intelligence, empirical legal studies, phylogenetics, and misinformation.… read more »

Peter A. Gloor

Research Scientist, Center for Collective Intelligence, MIT's Sloan School of Management

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Peter A. Gloor is a Research Scientist at the Center for Collective Intelligence at MIT’s Sloan School of Management where he leads a twenty-year project exploring Collaborative Innovation Networks. He is also Founder and Chief Creative Officer of software company galaxyadvisors, and Honorary Professor at University of Cologne, and at Jilin University, Changchun, China.… read more »

Andrew Guess

Assistant Professor, Politics & Public Affairs, Princeton University

Andy Guess is an assistant professor of politics and public affairs at Princeton University. His research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of political communication, public opinion, and political behavior.

Via a combination of experimental methods, large datasets, machine learning, and innovative measurement, he studies how people choose, process, spread, and respond to information about politics.… read more »

Hans Halvorson

Stuart Professor of Philosophy, Princeton University

Hans Halvorson is the Stuart Professor of Philosophy at Princeton University. He has written extensively on the foundations of quantum physics, philosophy of science, and the relationship between science and theology, with articles appearing in the Journal of Mathematical Physics, Physical Review, and The British Journal for Philosophy of Science, among others.… read more »

Mark Hansen

David & Helen Gurley Brown Professor of Journalism & Innovation, Columbia Journalism School
Director, David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute of Media Innovation

Mark Hansen is the David and Helen Gurley Brown Professor of Journalism and the director of the Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia University. He has had over 20 years of collaborations with designers, architects and artists, helping make work that has been exhibited in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Whitney Museum, the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, the London Science Museum, the Cartier Foundation in Paris, and the lobbies of the New York Times building and the Public Theater (permanent displays) in Manhattan.… read more »

Yonina Hoffman

Assistant Professor, English, US Merchant Marine Academy

Yonina Hoffman is an Assistant Professor of English at the US Merchant Marine Academy. Yonina’s research applies systems theory and phenomenology to 20th century literature and the global systems novel. Yonina’s first book, The Voices of David Foster Wallace, used concepts from narrative theory, rhetoric, and phenomenology to to examine the experience of reading through novelistic progression and narrative “voice.” … read more »

Richard Howarth

Professor of Environmental Studies at Dartmouth College
Editor-in-Chief, Ecological Economics

Rich Howarth is an environmental and ecological economist who studies the interplay between economic analysis and the ecological, moral, and social dimensions of environmental governance. His topical interests focus on the valuation and management of ecosystem services; theories of discounting and intergenerational justice; climate stabilization policy; the ethical foundations of voluntary pro-environmental behaviors; and the relationship between economic growth, environmental quality, and human well-being as mediated by endogenous social norms.… read more »

Jennifer Jacquet

Associate Professor, Departmant of Environmental Studies, NYU
Director, XE: Experimental Humanities & Social Engagement, NYU

Jennifer Jacquet is an Associate Professor in the Department of Environmental Studies and Director of XE: Experimental Humanities and Social Engagement at NYU. She is also deputy director of NYU’s Center for Environmental and Animal Protection and Affiliated Faculty in the Stern School of Business and the Center for Data Science.… read more »

Gregg Jaeger

Professor, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Boston University

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Gregg Jaeger (PhD – Boston U; BSc, Math, Physics, Philosophy – U. Wisconsin-Madison) is a professor of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at Boston University. After postdoctoral work in the history of science (Dibner Institute, MIT) and experimental quantum-optical physics (National Institute of Science and Technology), he assumed his current, interdisciplinary professorship in 2006.… read more »

Jonathan Kramnick

Maynard Mack Professor of English, Yale University

Jonathan Kramnick is Maynard Mack Professor of English at Yale University. His research and teaching is in eighteenth-century literature and philosophy, philosophical approaches to literature, and cognitive science and the arts. He is the author of three books. His new book, Paper Minds: Literature and the Ecology of Consciousness (Chicago, 2018), asks what distinctive knowledge the literary disciplines and literary form can contribute to discussions of perceptual consciousness, created and natural environments, and skilled engagement with the world.… read more »

Alex Kwan

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Yale University

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Alex Kwan is a neuroscientist whose work is focused on the neurobiology of antidepressants. He is known for using sophisticated optical imaging methods to study how drugs such as ketamine and psilocybin modify the structure and function of brain circuitry. His research has been published in top peer-reviewed journals including Neuron, Nature Neuroscience, and Biological Psychiatry.… read more »

Farzad Mahootian

Faculty of Liberal Studies, New York University

Farzad Mahootian is a Clinical Associate Professor of Global Liberal Studies at New York University since 2010. He has an interdisciplinary background (PhD Philosophy, Fordham; MS Chemistry, Georgetown). His research focuses on interactions between philosophy, science and society within the mythological imagination of technoscience and with guidance from process philosophy, biomimicry, artificial intelligence, and premodern sciences.… read more »

Susana Martinez-Conde

Professor of Ophthalmology, Neurology, and Physiology & Pharmacology, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University

Susana Martinez-Conde is an award-winning neuroscientist, author, and professor at the State University of New York Downstate Health Sciences University. She is the founder and Executive Director of the annual Best Illusion of the Year Contest, which inspired her most recent book, “Champions of Illusion,” published by Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux.… read more »

Michael Novacek

Curator & Professor of Paleontology, American Museum of Natural History

Michael J. Novacek is a Curator and Professor of Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History and Senior Advisor to the Museum’s President. From 1994 to 2021 he served as the Museum’s Senior Vice President and Provost of Science

Awarded a doctoral degree at the University of California, Berkeley, Dr.… read more »

Yotam Ophir

Assistant Professor, Communication, University at Buffalo

Yotam Ophir (PhD, University of Pennsylvania, 2018) is an Assistant Professor of Communication at the University at Buffalo. His work combines computational methods for text mining, network analysis, experiments and surveys to study media content and effects in the areas of political, science, and health communication.… read more »

Arkady Plotnitsky

Distinguished Professor, Literature, Theory and Cultural Studies, Purdue University
Distinguished Professor, Philosophy and Literature, Purdue University

Arkady Plotnitsky is a distinguished professor of Literature, Theory and Cultural Studies Program, and Philosophy and Literature program at Purdue University. He has published nine books, several edited or co-edited collections, and about two hundred articles on continental philosophy, Romantic and modernist literature, the philosophy of mathematics and physics, and the relationships among literature, philosophy, and science.… read more »

Stephen Ross

Research Associate Professor, Psychiatry and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, NYU Grossman School of Medicine

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Stephen Ross, MD, is Research Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Dr. Ross is a founding member of the NYU Psychedelic Research Group and is currently associate director of the NYU Langone Health (NYULH) Center for Psychedelic Medicine and director of the NYULH Psychedelic Medicine Research Training Program.… read more »

Francesca Rossi

IBM Fellow & IBM AI Ethics Global Leader

Francesca Rossi is an IBM Fellow and the IBM AI Ethics Global Leader. She is based at the T.J. Watson IBM Research Lab, New York, USA, where she leads AI research projects. She co-chairs the IBM AI Ethics board and she participates in many global multi-stakeholder initiatives on AI ethics, such as the Partnership on AI, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations ITU AI for Good Summit, and the Global Partnership on AI.… read more »

Nikos Salingaros

Professor, Mathematics & Architecture, University of Texas at San Antonio

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Dr. Nikos A. Salingaros is Professor of Mathematics and Architecture at the University of Texas at San Antonio. An internationally recognized Architectural Theorist and Urbanist, his publications include the books Algorithmic Sustainable Design, Anti-Architecture and Deconstruction, A Theory of Architecture, Principles of Urban Structure, and Unified Architectural Theory, plus numerous scientific articles.… read more »

David W. Schwartzman

 Professor Emeritus, Biology, Howard University

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David W. Schwartzman, Professor Emeritus, Howard University (Washington DC, USA), PhD in Geochemistry from Brown University, USA.  In 1999 (updated in paperback in 2002), he published Life, Temperature and the Earth (Columbia University), in addition to many papers in Capitalism Nature Socialism (CNS) and other journals.… read more »

Karen B. Stern

Professor of History, Brooklyn College of the City, University of New York

Karen B. Stern is Professor of History at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York. Her research is deeply interdisciplinary. She studied Classics with honors at Dartmouth College, earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Brown University, and has excavated and conducted field research in different areas of the Mediterranean, including Jordan, Greece, Tunisia, Morocco, and Israel.… read more »

David Sulzer

Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, Pharmacology, Columbia University & New York State Psychiatric Institute

Dave Sulzer is a professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, Pharmacology, and at the School of the Arts at Columbia University and New York State Psychiatric Institute. He received a PhD in biology from Columbia University. His lab has published over 250 studies on synaptic function, particularly of the basal ganglia and dopamine systems, and neuroimmunology, in normal and diseased states that are cited over 50,000 times (h-index 198).… read more »

Edward Tenner is an independent writer and speaker at the intersection of science, design, and culture. A founding advisor of the Smithsonian’s Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, he is now affiliated with the National Museum of American History as Distinguished Scholar and is also a visiting scholar in the Rutgers University Department of History.… read more »

Marc Van De Mieroop

Professor, History, Columbia University

Marc Van De Mieroop is a historian of the ancient Near East and Egypt from the beginning of writing to the age of Alexander of Macedon. Besides teaching at Columbia University, he has taught at the University of Oxford and at Yale University.… read more »

Steven Wein

Supervising Child and Adolescent Analyst, New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute

Steven Wein has served at NYPSI as a Supervising Child and Adolescent Analyst since 1993, Training and Supervising Analyst since 1996, and Associate Dean for Child Analysis from 2010 to 2016. He is a member of the Center for Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies.… read more »

R. John Williams

Associate Professor, English, Film and Media, at Yale University

R. John Williams, PhD, is Professor of English, and Film and Media Studies at Yale University. He is the author of The Buddha in the Machine: Art, Technology, and the Meeting of East and West, and has published as well on a number of topics including religion, futurology, systems theory, psychoanalysis, and film and television.… read more »

Dennis Yi Tenen

Associate Professor, English & Comparative Literature, Columbia University

Dennis Yi Tenen is an associate professor of English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University. His teaching and research happen at the intersection of people, texts, and technologies. A long-time affiliate of Columbia’s Data Science Institute and formerly a Microsoft engineer and a Berkman Center for Internet and Society Fellow, his code runs on millions of personal computers worldwide.… read more »