Catherine Wikholm Clinical Psychologist Dr. Catherine Wikholm is a Clinical Psychologist based in Kent, UK. She is registered with the HCPC and Chartered by the BPS. Having previously worked in the National Health Service (NHS), Catherine currently works in private practice and specialises in child, adolescent and young adult mental health. She is the co-author of The Buddha Pill: Can Meditation Change You? Participant In: Mindfulness Meditation: Benefits and Dilemmas April 19th, 2025 at 2:30PM Future Event Mindfulness meditation is one of the most popular contemplative techniques in the world. Recently, however, a number of influential criticisms of the practice have emerged, many of which frame the technique as part of a larger neoliberal endeavor meant to privatize emotional well-being. Others have pointed to potential dangers of the practice, identifying cases where,… read more »
Mindfulness Meditation: Benefits and Dilemmas April 19th, 2025 at 2:30PM Future Event Mindfulness meditation is one of the most popular contemplative techniques in the world. Recently, however, a number of influential criticisms of the practice have emerged, many of which frame the technique as part of a larger neoliberal endeavor meant to privatize emotional well-being. Others have pointed to potential dangers of the practice, identifying cases where,… read more »